Investment Update #5 – What Happened? December 2024

So, apparently I have had a lot of things in my life keep me busy from focusing on my investment update since essentially 3 years ago. I will probably expand on this when I get a little time, but the long story, very short, is that I have had a lot of things personally going on that have kept me very busy. A few life events include my dad unexpectedly passing away, my brother getting cancer, my sister getting cancer, my brother getting cancer again, and me getting a new job role (but within the same company), and my family moving to a new house about one and a half years ago. All while keeping very busy with my wonderful wife and two daughters, now ages 10 and 8.

take the next step in my investment strategy for my family

I think it’s safe to say that with all of the things happening in my life I (rightfully so) have not kept up with my hobby of keeping up websites and maintaining all of my investments as I should have. As a result, Google really kicked my butt on all of my websites and I decided that I really needed to adjust my efforts and try and regear to some sustainable efforts that I believe can be successful. So I sold 3 of my websites that weren’t the same “theme” as the others, and I am in the process of consolidating the rest of my “related” websites into two major websites – one commercial and one more DIY or residential. There is a lot more backstory to this and I think a lot of things I learned along the way, especially in regards to selling websites, but I think I should leave that for another day. Without further ado here is my NEW plan moving forward and the goals I think I can hit with it moving forward.

Amazon Influencer Program

It’s been a long time coming over the last few months but I am FINALLY into the Amazon Influencer Program (AIP)! I think this is my immediate next move, and one that I can do well with my wife Elaine as well!

Every week I intend to create and post at least 10 videos. I have decided that when I wake up every morning I am going to immediately shower and get ready. Then I can shoot at least 3 videos, and then head to work. At face value this is going to take an extra 10-20 minutes in the morning, but I believe that if I can change the order in which I perform my daily ritual tasks then I think it’s complete achievable and may actually save me time in the morning! if I post 10 videos per week then that would make 560 videos by end of 2025. If that happens I am fairly confident that we can make $2/month/video.

If I am able to maintain this progress then I expect to be able to make $500 for the month of June, and then $1000 by the time the month of December comes around. If I do some quick math starting at “zero” during the month of January, that will make an income of $6,000 for 2025.

Reconfigure Websites

I am most excited and will focus most on the Amazon Influencer Program, but on weekends I do plan on trying to keep up with my website reconfiguration. I am have switched all of my DIY sites over to now and I am in the process of checking each article and cleaning up all of the formatting and linking, etc… It would be nice to get all of those articles checked by the end of June next year (2025) and then focus on switching over to by the end of next year. Honestly these will just be gravy. I have no faith in the old process of building websites and I think that AI is going to turn Google’s world upside down. However, I will say that building a brand will be good and that each of my two new brands will benefit with a Social Media presence across youtube and tiktok or instagram. Need to get to the new model and continuing the same BS that left me exposed to Google’s search algorithm didn’t do me any favors over the last two years.

I am excited about Elaine contributing to the AIP I think that she is going to CRUSH it if they can maintain focus on the prize!

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